Kronik, Jakob




Verdens Skove


International chef




Vestergade 12, 1456 Copenhagen, Denmark

+45 4198 4898


PhD. Socio-technological and Environmental Planning

Erhvervserfaring specielt seneste ansættelser

  • 2014 (oct) -
    Verdens Skove/Forests of the World, Director International Cooperation.
  • 2014 (jan-may)
    Verdens Skove/Forests of the World, Interim Director.
  • 2008-2015
    F7 Consult – Consultant/director; providing analysis, advise and facilitation. Main areas include analysis of social and environmental change processes, conceptualisation, formulation and facilitation of projects as well as strengthening of project leadership and organisational processes, incl. for Danida, EU, NORAD, the World Bank: the UNDP: the IADB, RIMISP and for Mannaz as Associate Partner and Instructor on project leadership, planning tools and management courses.
  • 2001  - 08
    Grontmij | Carl Bro, Consulting Engineers and Planners, as Senior and Chief Consultant, Expertise Centre Leader (NRM), and Project Manager (Recommendation available).
  • 2000
    Center for Development Research (CDR now the Danish Institute for International Studies, DIIS); (Nicaragua) elaborating poverty profiles.
  • 2000
    Casablanca Television (Colombia) Consultant, scriptwriter and co-producer of the film production contracted by the DR.
  • 2000
    International Working Group for Indigenous Affairs (IWGIA) and the Multi-Ethnic Council for Araracuara (Colombia) Facilitator and fundraiser.
  • 1999
    CDR, Leading an interdisciplinary study of 11 consultants and researchers on development needs and constraints within tropical forest management in Latin America, Africa and Asia.
  • 1999
    CDR Elaborating an ethno-biological study on the use of palms in the Colombian Amazon based on local and scientific knowledge.
  • 1995-98
    CDR Study on the role of indigenous knowledge in using and conserving biological diversity in the Amazon Rain Forest.
  • 1994-98
    International Center for Tropical Agriculture, CIAT Visiting researcher at the Hillsides Eco-Region Programme, Cali, Colombia
  • 1996
    Consultancy Evaluating the Indigenous peoples lead in Situ Conservation and Management of Biological Diversity Project
  • 1995-96
    Danida funded applied research at the CIAT, Cali.
  • 1995
    Colombian Institute for Amazonian Studies, SINCHI, Bogotá
  • 1992-94
    CDR reports on The World Bank and the Environment. (1994); and on post Rio process, and Articles on Financial Mechanisms and the CBD (1993), the financial outcome of UNCED (GEF1994).
  • 1992
    Commission of the European Union (CEU) assisting CEU HoU at the World Bank and the GEF, Washington DC.
  • 1992
    Commission of the European Union (CEU). Delegate at PrepCom4 meeting to the UNCED held in UN HQ New York 2 March - 3 April 1992. The responsibilities included negotiating texts on behalf of the EC on transfer of technology, forestry and deforestation issues, global climate change and the Rio Declaration (Recommendation available).


  • Socialgeografi
  • udviklingsgeografi
  • Politisk geografi
  • økonomisk geografi
  • Bæredygtighed og ressourceforvaltning


  • Udviklingspolitik- og projekter
  • International arbejdsdeling
  • Bistand
  • Biodiversitet (og oprindelige folks viden om og bevaring af)
  • Klimatilpasning og undværgeforanstaltninger
  • livelihoodstrategier
  • Kønsstudier
  • Institutioner og governance
  • Klimaplaner og lovgivning
  • Naturressourceforvaltning

Fritekst – komptencer

Jakob Kronik has worked since 1991 on the analysis of climate and environmental change and adaptation issues, including rural development planning and monitoring, agricultural sector programs and with mainstreaming of environmental concerns into national planning and policy advice, including Strategic Environment Assessment and the Mozambique PRSP, Country Environmental Assessments (in mountainous, landlocked Bolivia, and Nicaragua), Strategic Action Plans, etc. He was project leader of major disaster risk reduction, rural productivity and climate change mitigation and adaptation projects. He is the lead author of recent high profile international policy and operational guidance on climate change and indigenous peoples’ publications and adaptation studies for the World Bank, and has focused on rural development livelihood strategies in 10+ countries, including gender, age and ethnic crosscutting analysis. He has worked with participatory planning methodologies in 200+ communities, as well as in his research.

Jakob Kronik has 25+ years of professional experience as a socio-technological planner with natural resources, indigenous peoples, environmental change and rural development issues in developing countries with bi- and multilateral organizations, governments (including the European Union), NGOs and CSOs. He has extensive experience in governance, institutional development, sustainable development, climate change, biodiversity, community based land and forest management.

Areas of expertise: program/project identification, preparation and implementation; reparation of TOR for services and evaluation of offers (Procurement); evaluations (ex-ante, interim, ex-post etc.); monitoring of (cross-)sectoral policies/regulations; institutional building, training/research and awareness-raising.

Sustainable management, protection of natural resources or Ecosystems (forests, lakes etc.); climate change vulnerability, adaptation, and mitigation; nature protection and bio-diversity, management of coastal areas. Water management inclusive planning (e.g. integrated river basin management). Environmental risks/disaster management.


  • 100+ courses on international project leadership and management courses for development agencies, public institutions and private companies.
  • Universitet under PhD studier